2017-02-24 3:34 AM
STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.14.0 removed HASH_RNG_IRQn from stm32f405xx.h and stm32f407.xx.h. HASH is not available on F405/7, but from the datasheet RNG is available. Probably RNG_IRQn should be added to the headers!
2017-02-24 7:13 AM
It is nice to get humn feedback. Before this forums, I used the 'give feedback' button, describing the error and always asking for human feedback, but never got human feedback. I really got frustrated...
2017-02-24 7:52 AM
,Your feedback was reviewed, confirmed and forwarded to the appropriate team.
Thanks a lot for your continuous contribution to the enhancement of our STM32 resources.Khouloud.
2017-03-15 8:56 AM
,The issue is fixed in
.Thanks again for your feedback. This helps us to enhance the quality of our resources.
2017-03-15 10:37 AM
No, the issue is not fixed! V1.15.0 again introduced HASH_RNG_IRQn for the F40x devices. RM0090 clearly tells only F41x devices have the hash unit. Declaring HASH_RNG_IRQn for devices without HASH device is obfuscation. Only HASH_IRQn should be declated!
2017-11-08 6:46 AM
,Weagree!The nomination 'HASH_RNG_IRQn' is a little bit misleadingsince HASH is not supported on STM32F405/407 devices. For this reason, it was replaced by 'RNG_IRQn' in
.Many thanksfor bringing this to our attention!