2014-04-25 8:17 AM
2014-06-05 3:12 AM
hermann.uwe wrote: ...restart it by double-clicking the respective *.ioc file. Click on ''Generate Code'' again. The gpio.c files is now gone.
Thanks Herman, since your advice i've opened my project from MX (File -> Load... || Recent...) and the gpio.c file has been generated just fine at each time (...for now). So i to any one struggling with the same issue, close your project (perhaps restart CubeMX too) and open your project from the MX not by double clicking the *.ioc icon.2014-06-17 5:48 AM
2015-12-14 12:05 PM
I have the same problem with cubeMX 4.12 but this time it's pretty random which files are gone. Sometimes main.c or usart.c or another file. Is there a solution for this problem?
My sincerely,2016-02-22 2:12 AM
Can you please share the .ioc file that reveals the issue.
Please verify the project settings option to ''generate peripheral init as pair of.c/.h files per IP'' is checked. This shall ensure the gpio.c file gets generated.2024-09-19 8:46 AM
I had the same problem. SOLUTION: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubemx-mcus/usart-h-usart-c-and-the-gpio-h-gpio-c-files-are-missing/td-p/166257
It's a setting that needs to be enabled under .ioc code generator.