2015-02-14 9:52 AM
hello all i'am new stm32f0 user and While trying to run code example from stm32 cube
in keilVersion 5.14
i found this error ..\..\..\..\..\..\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F0xx\Include\stm32f072xb.h(130): error: &sharp5: cannot open source input file ''core_cm0.h'': No such file or directoryhow i can solve this error to run the example please help . #stm32cube-f0-problem2015-02-16 10:52 AM
please help
2015-02-16 11:16 AM
You'd need to review a) the defines passed to the compiler, and b) the include paths specified to the compiler which it uses to search for include files.
These things would normally exist in the project's Options, under the C/C++ tab. I'm not a Cube user.