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STm32Cube changing Keil Project file and Flash Storage Question.

Associate II
Posted on August 17, 2015 at 16:19


Every time I rebuild my code using stm323cube my flash project settings change

as default I always get this Programming algorithm

STM32Fx4xx 2MB Flash  080000000H- 07FFFFFFFH

but I need

STM32Fx4xx 2MB Flash  080000000H- 081FFFFFFH

As I am using a STM32F427ZITX processor so I have to added each time, Does anyone know how I change the defaults to stop this happening.

I also need to reserve 0x81E0000 - 0X820000 as Non-volatile data store should I use the IROM2 area in the ''Target'' Tab or do I need to set it code some where, hopefully some one can point me in the right direction. 



Posted on August 17, 2015 at 17:57

I think to goal of CubeMX is to generate a framework once, not over and over.

Changing the project meta-data is an aspect that has been poorly executed. Backing out settings you have changed even less well. If you're going to use CubeMX as an iterative tool, suggest you do that into a non-customized project and merge the output into your custom configured one.

In things like Keil, I'd have to think you could just give the project file a different name, and then cube wouldn't over-right it, or place it in a directory that doesn't get erased/replaced.

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Posted on August 19, 2015 at 11:48

Hi owen.j,

1-080000000H- 081FFFFFFH does not correspond to 2MB

2-If you will use the IROM1 for data, you don't need to set IROM2
