2021-04-07 1:17 AM
We are not completly sure how it works. We want to make a receiving module reject some ID's and only approve some. The code we used just approve every ID. Can someone explain how the ID works within our code? (If we for example would like to approve the first 32 adresses). See the pictures for the code we have used.
2021-04-07 1:31 AM
aaah yess the well documented stm32 canbus filters :D
this helped me:
//usage of can filters
//https://www.diller-technologies.de/stm32.html <-----this guy knows better
this is how i setup with no filter
void CanSETUPnoFilter(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan_object_reference,){
canfilter.FilterBank = 0;
canfilter.FilterFIFOAssignment = CAN_FILTER_FIFO0; //CAN_FILTER_FIFO1
canfilter.FilterIdHigh = 0;
canfilter.FilterIdLow = 0;
canfilter.FilterMaskIdHigh = 0;
canfilter.FilterMaskIdLow = 0;
canfilter.SlaveStartFilterBank = 0;
HAL_CAN_ConfigFilter(_hcan, &canfilter);
HAL_CAN_ActivateNotification(_hcan, CAN_IT_RX_FIFO0_MSG_PENDING); //activate interrupt for received canbus
//enable pins of the can transceivers
HAL_CAN_Start(_hcan); //CRANK UP THE MOTORS!! BRRREM BRRREM starts can
this is how i setup a mask filter
void CanSETUPmaskFilter(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan_object_reference) {
canfilter.FilterBank = 0;
canfilter.FilterFIFOAssignment = CAN_FILTER_FIFO0; //CAN_FILTER_FIFO1
canfilter.FilterIdHigh = ( 0x100 << 3 ) >> 16 ;
canfilter.FilterIdLow = 0x100 << 3 | 4 ;
canfilter.FilterMaskIdHigh = 0xFE0 << 5 ;
canfilter.FilterMaskIdLow = 0xFFF << 5| 0x10;
canfilter.SlaveStartFilterBank = 0;
HAL_CAN_ConfigFilter(_hcan, &canfilter);
HAL_CAN_ActivateNotification(_hcan, CAN_IT_RX_FIFO0_MSG_PENDING); //activate interrupt for received canbus
HAL_CAN_Start(_hcan); //CRANK UP THE MOTORS!! BRRREM BRRREM starts can
2021-04-07 1:52 AM
Thanks Javier for the quick reply. Line 6 for example if we do this the result will be 0.
Can you explain the math?
2021-04-07 2:05 AM
@Michael Jørgensen what do you mean with line 6?, i copied this guy logic
//https://www.diller-technologies.de/stm32.html <-----this guy knows better
2021-04-08 12:31 AM
We did that as well in our code.
Here we used the logic as shown on the picture where the mask is 0xFFFF and 0xFFFF. This will by this logic make every bit of the ID be compared with the filter. We have used the same ID so it should work no matter what the mask is. This is not the case. It only works when the mask is 0x00000003 and below.
2021-04-08 12:32 AM
2021-04-08 4:18 AM
@Javier Muñoz Can you explain why there is a need for bit-shifting and what the bit shifting is resulting in?
2021-04-08 8:48 AM
no idea, that is an old code i copied from the link i show you.
It worked for me. (yeeey)
If its not working for you still, did you checked if you are initialising the interrupt (in case you use interrupt)
HAL_CAN_ActivateNotification(_hcan, CAN_IT_RX_FIFO0_MSG_PENDING); //activate interrupt for received canbus
or maybe youre not starting the canbus?