2017-01-15 9:50 AM
Hallo, i use the HAL to program a little test software to transfer data via spi between
two STM32 Nucleo boards.One board with a STM32L476 sends every 5 ms 74 bytes of data as a spi master with 625 kBit.Chip select is used as GPIO output. clock is high if idle, CS is low active, data valid with faling edge of clock.A secon Nucleo64 should receive this 74 byte, configured as spi slave without NSS usage. CS is used as an IRQ input with detection of the faling edge. DMA on den and receive, in normal mode.I have programmed, that with the falling edge IRQ of the CS, the functionHAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA() will be called. On the first NUCLEO i can adjust a time, so
that CS will be low a short time before the data was sent (I tried 50µs).The slave receives data, but the data was shifted. So the first 3 or 4 bytes in my receive-array will be the last 3-4 bytes of the telegram before. And then the new data was in the array.I don't understand that behaviour. Controlled with the logic analyser everything is correct.Do you know a solution for that?Best regardsVolker2017-01-15 10:53 AM
Try to disable-enable the spi on both sides before toggling nss to flush the fifos: it could give some clues to the shifted bytes behaviour. Is it 8 or 16 bit transmission? How many bytes are exchanged? Is it 4 or 3 wired communication?
2017-01-15 11:58 AM
74 Bytes are exchanged with a 8 Bit transmisson. It is a 4 wire connection. I don`t use nss and i use normal mode, not the fifos.
How can i disable-enable the SPI with the HAL?
2017-01-15 1:35 PM
Do you have
If you 'clear' the buffer in the receiver (e.g. set it to all 0) and then perform 1 transfer, what do you see in the receiver buffer?
What is the state of relevant DMA buffers after the transfer?
2017-01-15 10:33 PM
I think 'clear' the buffer is not the solution because the dma transfer thinks that for a complete receive of the 74 byte not all bytes are received. So how can i reset the dma transfer after a complete receive of 74 bytes, so the slave waits for the next correct transfer?
I will check the DMA buffers and answer you this evening.
2017-01-24 6:06 AM
You are using a STM32 device with a SPI who include a FIFO.
To be sure to not retrieve old data, please use 'HAL_SPIEx_FlushRxFifo' function before call a 'HAL_Receive' function. Thanks to this, the FIFO will be flushed (Rx side only), and you will retrieve correct data. (i.e. without shift).
2017-03-29 1:51 AM
I am having the same problem. I have an STM32F205VE and an STM32F746IG linked using SPI (three wire, software CS) and a GPIO handshake line. I am performing DMA transfers using the HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA() transfer function but I find that the data received on the master (the F205) is offset by the 3 bytes. The data received on the slave side is fine. I can understand how the rx fifo could cause this problem, but I cannot work out how to resolve it!
HAL_SPIEx_FlushRxFifo() does not seem to exist in the HAL anymore. The only reference I can find for it in the whole library is in the stm32_hal_legacy.h file.
What is the best to flush the fifos? I don't mind accessing the registers directly, I just need some guidance on which bits need to be set/reset to solve this problem.
2017-11-21 8:56 AM
I'm having the same issue too with the STM32L4 configured as SPI slave. My Tx buffer contains {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07} When I read 7 bytes repeatedly from the slave I get:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07
05 06 07 01 02 03 04
05 06 07 01 02 03 04
05 06 07 01 02 03 04
Resetting the master doesn't change anything. Resetting the STM32 slave will send the correct first 7 bytes the first time and then repeat.
2018-01-19 9:30 PM
I am having the same problem. L4 nucleo. If i get < 3 bytes of data there is no shift. If i get more that 3 there is a shift. Start position is at index 3 or 4.
I did confirm that data is fine in a wire using oscilloscope.
Ok. I solved mine. I disabled only DMA channels when I didn't need them and no data should have arrived but it did (2 bytes with content of 0x00). Adding this code after TX part before RX part solved my issue:
while (LL_SPI_IsActiveFlag_BSY(SPI3)) ; while (LL_SPI_GetRxFIFOLevel(SPI3) != LL_SPI_RX_FIFO_EMPTY){
I need to change my SPI mode to TX or RX only instead of just enabling/disabling DMA channels.
2018-02-19 4:41 PM
Volker, did you manage to find a solution to this problem?