2016-09-20 2:55 AM
Many of the documents listed in the Resource selector st.com->Products->Microcontroller->Technical Literature->Resources-> e.g. Reference Manuals do not have an entry in ''Latest Update''. This makes it impossible for users to see what has been updated recently. Please Provide ''Latest Update'' for all documents!
2018-03-03 1:01 AM
Not only missing, but also incorrect!
For developers, it's important to use the up-to-date documentation, as it (presumably) contains all the corrections and updates accumulated from internal and external experiences and review. Currently, ST has no mechanism to notify the users of the changes, so they are forced to browse through the product pages repeatedly and check for the changes through comparing revision numbers of documents against those of their locally stored version. The sorting on date of the resources table - would they be updated properly - would help to check the newest ones.
A 'all resources' table would be helpful, too; so that one is not forced to go to four of them (for DS/RM/ES/AN).
I'd highly welcome also a notification service, either active (through mailing) or passive (RSS/Atom feeds, properly updated of course); preferably both.
Jan Waclawek
2018-03-03 2:09 AM
Completely agree. Document shall have the date of last update clearly visible on the web page .
2018-03-03 2:56 AM
Things get warse as the document dates are the date of the first _internal_ publish date!
2018-03-05 2:34 AM
Hello all,
This is highlighted internally and will be fixed ASAP.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention and sorry for any inconvenience you have faced.
2018-04-24 11:32 AM
Hello all,
The issue is now solved: t
he ''Latest Update''
in the ''Resource Selector'' is
correctly now.
Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.
2018-04-24 1:41 PM
Thanks for this improvements.
I believe putting the date of the last update could help also in other places like this:
http://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers/stm32f407ig.html ♯ design-scroll
,2018-04-25 3:43 AM
,Your point is highlighted internally. I will keep you posted on any update regarding this.
Thanks for the proposal !
2018-04-25 4:15 AM
Why are the datasheets not listed in the resource selector? Having them there with their release date will help us to work with the latest datasheets. At the moment, every device has to be queried manual.
2018-04-25 4:47 AM
,Also the datasheets are listed on the ''Resource Selector''. As an example, below are the datasheets of the STM32F7 devices:
If I have misunderstood your point, please give more details.