2016-02-16 10:46 PM
Hello and thanks always
I am currently using a STM32F091. In the specs I read that it is a Cortex M0 with 48MHz. My questions are:1) Can I be sure that it is running at that speed? 2) In general can the STM32 chips be set with different speeds? (I come from experience in other MCUs where you can configure different speeds both internally and with external crystals and multipliers)3) How can I get the maximum speed?I am a little concerned because I have programmed a LCD with mbed and also an arduino (no, that is not the MCU I was talking before) that supposes to run at 16MHz and there is almost no difference in speed. I sometimes even worry that the STM32 is slower so something must be happening??Thanks for all the advice2016-02-17 05:30 AM
Hi KR1,
•“1) Can I be sure that it is running at that speed? “To be sure you can select the system clock to be output on the MCO pin, Refer to the Clock-out capability paragraph in your related reference manual.•“ 2) In general can the STM32 chips be set with different speeds? (I come from experience in other MCUs where you can configure different speeds both internally and with external crystals and multipliers), 3) How can I get the maximum speed?�Yes sure, you can configure your STM32 with different speed using both internal and external crystals. Read carefully the Reset and clock control section in your reference manual and I recommend you to usehttp://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF259242?s_searchtype=partnumber
tool to configure your STM32F0 system clock easily.•“I sometimes even worry that the STM32 is slower so something must be happening??�What do you mean by slower? Could you please provide more explanation on your case, so that it will be easier to understand the issue?-Syrine-