2012-07-26 12:09 AM
In Manufacturing my own Boards, and with the assistance of Tsuneo,
I have found Usb Pinout Backwards. This is after I analyzed the Specs and Schems - which match my Eagle Pcb Files and my Boards. And, I tested this from Cable-end to Micro-Pins with a MultiMeter.The UsbVBus+ and UsbGND are Correct,
but the UsbDm and UsbDp are BACKWARDS. ------------------------------------------------------------------Tsuneo,
You are kidding me. I see the results as you say. So the schematics are backwards ? Yes, I use USB-View, besides a Usb packet logger analyzer. Let me check the Usb connections.I forgot about this simple issue. For example, just Google for USB PLUG PINOUT IMAGE , then click the images page. Notice that the Plug on the Right is labeled Gnd D- D+ V+ , which should be Gnd D+ D- V+. This error has been on there for years like this - and is still there.
Bingo ! - That fixes it.
So, looking at the Stm32f4Discovery and Stm3240g and Stm32405_RefMan. And scanned over my Eagle Pcb Files which match the Schems and Spec.p1=UsbVBUS -> PA9
p2=UsbDM -> res=20R -> PA11 p3=UsbDP -> res=20R -> PA12 p4=UsbID -> PA10 p5=UsbGND -> GNDTsuneo, thanks - for the unique and constructive idea and solution.
From: chinzei.tsuneoConnection from the D+/D- pins of the USB receptacle to the MCU USB DP/DM pins may be swapped.
ConnectionStatus: DeviceFailedEnumeration Device Bus Speed: Low <---------- If the stm32f4 (Unknown device) is detected as low-speed, the D+/D- connections are swapped.2012-07-26 12:21 AM
Pinouts were backwards on the Board - wrong Boards Rev was printed.
Thanks for the help !2012-07-26 7:17 AM
This doesn't comport with my experiences, you have something bizarre going on with your pin out, or land patterns, and I don't have a scrap barrel full of boards.
1 VBUS_FS (PA9) 2 USB_FS_DM (PA11) 3 USB_FS_DP (PA12) 4 USB_FS_ID (PA10) 5 GND SM1-4 GND2012-07-26 12:16 PM
Clive, glad to hear catch up with you again.
I have been back and forth with my board and pads and design - all to the Spec and Schems, but without the Diode Protection. I manufactured about a Dozen Boards Designs - and have been actively working on 2 of them currently - both have the same problem - and solved by swapping the DM and DP pins. I can not see how they both have the same accident error. I will check my Pcb Files again - maybe I Manufatured the wrong rev. The design that I printed has 9 different Board Designs per Print - so maybe there is a flaw. I have not been able to find any home built or DIY Stm32f4 Boards with working USB on the Internet. Is mine the first ? So who has there been to complain or make note of this problem ? --------------------------------------- 1 VBUS_FS (PA9) 2 USB_FS_DM (PA11) / ->PA12 3 USB_FS_DP (PA12) / ->PA11 4 USB_FS_ID (PA10) 5 GND SM1-4 GND2012-07-26 12:32 PM
I'm not much for random images off the internet. The wikipedia article has a much more convincing presentation.
This is consistent with the custom STM32 designs we have, and the ST development/discovery boards and schematics. What is the part# for your connector? And that of the cable? I'm using a SAMTEC Mini (USB-AB MUSB-05-F-AB-SM-A), and some high specified USB A to Mini B (TID60000132) USB 2.0 480 Mbps 2m shielded. Honestly I don't think anyone is having this problem with boards following ST's reference designs and pin designations. Tsuneo indicated it was custom boards where people got the pins faffed up, not the ST designs. The way the layout goes it is a direct run of the Data Pair from the connector to the chip, through series resistors in some cases, but not crossing over, or punching through board layers. I can't speak to user created boards, I work with 4, 6 and 8 layer designs, and fine pitch BGA and uDFN parts.2013-08-04 8:45 AM
Hi Clive,
let me start with saying thank you for all your efforts in this forum...you have been of a great help during my work on my custom board based on STM32F407. I am at the moment testing the usb port and I am starting to doubt about the correctness of the PCB, however I would like to confirm one item with you or any other member of this forum. I have the project file VCP correctly being compiled (eclipse indigo with gcc sorucery lite) however I am only doing the initialization of the usb port without doing the bridging of the USART for the time being. Windows ( win 7 64 bit) sees correctly a device but it is always reported as unknown. I have tried everything and the data regarding the HFE frequency is also correct. I am wondering if I should expect windows to report a com port device with its correct description (even with only the initialization of the usb in the firmware) as the usb is supposed to exchange the description data of the device during the init phase. I am really stuck with this ''unknown device'' and I am starting to have doubt about the correctness of the PCB at the usb port. If you or any other memeber of this forum have an adivce for debugging this issue I would really appreciate it. btw, I have also tested the connection with a usbview application and I can see only the unknown device report. thanks even only for the attention to this message! Davide2013-08-04 8:51 AM
hi again...as an additional information..
If I use the combination BOOT0 and RESET with the micro usb of my custom board, I can see the board correctly seen by windows as STM32 in DFU mode, so I ''believe''/hope the usb is correctly wired on the board.... thanks again! michele