2017-09-28 10:03 PM
Hello everyone,
I am working with STM32 L452 microcontroller. I'm trying to program this using SWD interface on ST link debugger of the Nucleo board. I am powering the L452 MCU via two different methods :1) Using the 3.3V supply from the nucleo board2) Using my custom power supply ( 30V---[buck conversion]---> 5V ---[LDO]----> 3.3V )But in first case the programming results in success whereas it fails in the second case.
What is causing the problem here ?
PS : I'm using the following three pins from the SWD interface :
i) SWDIOii) SWCLKiii) Gnd
#stm32l452 #swd-interface2017-09-29 02:29 AM
Have you checked the stability of your 3.3V supply, especially during Flashing ?
Proper buffer caps on Vdd/Vdda ?
I am no hardware designer/expert, but it would be helpful to describe the hardware you use. ST eval board or custom design ?
Flash programming requires a higher current draw, possibly a problem on a low-power optimized design.