2013-04-11 12:40 AM
Hi, all!
I have some experience in development programs on stm32 microcontrollers, and want to do my programs more fluent and independent for using on microcontrollers of other series. Have anybody some good suggestions to od this, or maybe give me some usefull information about this issue? The method i found is to use some board.h file where there are definitions something like:// USART#1 - to communicate with PC
#define GPIO_USART1_TX {GPIOA, {GPIO_Pin_9, GPIO_Speed_50MHz, GPIO_Mode_AF_PP} , Bit_SET}
#define GPIO_USART1_RX {GPIOA, {GPIO_Pin_10, GPIO_Speed_50MHz, GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING}, Bit_SET}
And how to init with this structure? Let's discuss
#board.h #hardware-abstraction #stm32
2013-04-11 1:26 AM
''microcontrollers of other series''
Do you just mean other STM32 families, or also microcontrollers from other manufacturers? Try googling ''Hardware Abstraction'' and ''Hardware Abstraction Layer'' and ''HAL'' and similar...2013-04-11 2:54 AM
And you could add ''ASF'' and ''StellarisWare'' to the search words, as this are older frameworks that do it that way.
I prefer the CMSIS method as exercised by ARM - laying a structure across the peripheral. Those ''board.h'' file are rather messy IMHO ...2013-04-11 3:39 AM
Thank you, it is what i found.