2013-04-11 4:35 AM
I have a problem with malloc when I move my FW to offset code location.
In the past I use malloc with no problem where my APP sit on 0x08000000, but now it make a hard fault in the middle of the malloc asm where my code start on 0x08010000. I fail on the first time so it is not a lack of place. 1. What could be the reason for hard fault during malloc? 2. Is the location of the code can influence this exception? Bar.2013-04-11 5:25 AM
I do some more tests.
1. When I put the same code start on 0x08000000 it doesn't happend. 2. When I move it to location 0x08010000 I get the hard fualt with theis message:Thu Apr 11, 2013 15:04:51: The stack pointer for stack 'CSTACK' (currently 0x20009630) is outside the stack range (0x200020F8 to 0x200024F8) .
I try to increase the stack and the heap but no help. So why the location of the code influance the stack or I forget to offset some parameters?