2010-12-31 11:28 AM
STM32 - Happy New Year 2011
2011-05-17 5:20 AM
Most of us (engineers and programmers) wishes at least redesign of new ST website, to any sane, developer friendly form... Please see famous ''Website wrecked'' thread for details.
I wish ST, return of common sense in new year.2011-05-17 5:20 AM
''taken into account most of your valuable feedbacks and Wish list you provided us during 2010''
Does that include sorting out the website & forum...? ;)
2011-05-17 5:20 AM
Hi all,
Why not ?2011-05-17 5:20 AM
Just want to add my wishes to all the forum members. :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 yo you all!!!!!