2016-06-14 2:54 AM
i try to implement an PWM with high pulse between two CCRx reg values. E.g. TIM8: Period = 100; CCR1 = 20; CCR2 = 25; -> create one PWM Signal with pwm pin output low 0-19 pwm pin output high 20-25 pwm pin output low 26-100 is this possible with STM32 F746 and cube? perhaps as combined PWM ? thanks!2016-06-14 4:03 AM
> is this possible
Not in this form, but how would the resulting waveform differ from one which is high between 0 and 5 and low above that until reload at 100? JW2016-06-15 11:39 PM
the problem is that this timer is triggered by an other timer which also produces several signals and DMA ADC sampling.. so it would be much easier if I could do such PWM. are there some possibilities to create this pwm? thanks!2016-06-16 12:11 AM
Again, not in this form, but you can delay the trigger at its source.
JW2016-06-16 12:37 AM
ok - thanks
2016-06-17 1:23 AM
ive succuessful solved this problem with combined PWM. Channel 1: sOCConfig.OCMode =TIM_OCMODE_COMBINED_PWM1; HAL_TIM_PWM_ConfigChannel(&TimSlave2Handle, &sOCConfig, TIM_CHANNEL_1) Channel 2: sOCConfig.OCMode = TIM_OCMODE_PWM2 ; HAL_TIM_PWM_ConfigChannel(&TimSlave2Handle, &sOCConfig, TIM_CHANNEL_2) bye