2010-01-11 1:57 AM
stm32 Embedded File System demo / browsing your SD card
2011-05-17 3:35 AM
Dear Forum members,
This is a simple demonstration, based on STM32 and working with ST Evaluation board MB525 revA (old board), using the Embeddeded Library File System “EFSL� with an ''SD'' memory card in order to explore the contents of this SD card and show, on the LCD color, the Tree of directories/files within the SD card and read files contents. PS: in last boards ( rev B) you should modify the joystick driver to get it working fine. Regards, Newnesr [ This message was edited by: newnesr on 27-05-2008 09:27 ]2011-05-17 3:35 AM
Should there be an attached file?
J2011-05-17 3:35 AM
(FYI: EFSL is LGPL. :))
2011-05-17 3:35 AM
Not since 2006
[18 January 2006] : Starting with version 0.2.6, EFSL has changed its license from the lesser General Public License to the regular Public License with an exception clause. This clause states that you are allowed to statically link against the library without having to license your own code as GPL as well. The Lesser General Public License said the same thing, but it required you to release the object files of your program so that users could re-link it. Becase it is extremely unpractical to do so, and offers no real added benefit or freedom to the user we searched for a new license and found the eCos license to be particularly suiting for embedded libraries. Cheers sjo2011-05-17 3:35 AM
hi sjo,
thanks for the correction. sf.net reflects the change but the project homepage at continues to display the old LGPL license, that's where I got confused. thanks!2011-05-17 3:35 AM
Hi newnesr,
Thank you for the post :) This is great, I've tested and is working fine for me. I have one question for enhancement : Do you know if we can port the Hardware layer to get it working with SDIO Peripheral on STM32 High density devices ? It would be nice if some benchmarks are available versus commercial File systems ( Micrium, Keil, IAR etc.. ) in terms of : Speed, Maximum nb of files/directories, maximum supported sizes, stability etc.. May be as a concrete application, I can transform my board on desk to a Digital Frame Box using the Big LCD on board where I can store personal pics powered by STM32 :) Cheers, STOne-32.2011-05-17 3:35 AM
Hi ST1,
Many share/like your ''picture cycle'' ap. Hope this succeeds. What do you mean by ''Big Lcd'' on board? (is this other than the 2.4'' TFT supplied?)2011-05-17 3:35 AM
Is demo for IAR v5.40 available?
2011-05-17 3:35 AM
Sorry to bring back an old topic but I can't get the EFSL demo to work with v5.20 of IAR. The project options are different (for example the linker configuration file is set to generic, and I get the ''__program_start'' linker error. I was able to compile the code in 5.20 by adding #define __program_start __iar_program_start to stm32f20x_vector.c but when I program the .hex file, the LCD is blank. I don't have a JTAG or any other debugger so I can only program the ST32 via the flash downloaded demo software. Anyone get this working on the latest IAR? Thanks! Ettore