2024-03-11 1:54 AM
Hi everyone
i have connected ethernet to stm32f4vet6 mcu. i am using LWIP and tcp_echoserver provided by stm and tftp server also provided by stm.
Now i am facing with an issue , i have two programs , first of them is LWIP_TFTP_BOOT, which has start flash adress of 0x8000000. here is the code :
while(!HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_10)){
if(enterBootloader == 25)
enterBootloader = 0;
refus = uwTick;
if((uwTick >= (refus+20000))||(enterBootloader == 30))
}while(uwTick < (refus+20000));
if (((*(__IO uint32_t*)USER_FLASH_FIRST_PAGE_ADDRESS) & 0x2FFE0000) == 0x20020000)
JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (USER_FLASH_FIRST_PAGE_ADDRESS + 4);
Jump_To_Application = (pFunction) JumpAddress;
it uploads and works fine , everything is okay here, then i have another code LWIP_TCP_APP which has start flash adress is 0x8020000 and flash size 512 - 128 K. LWIP_TCP_APP code is for updating the stm32 over ethernet , means once i upload the LWIP_TFTP_BOOT code , it will work in boot mode and other times i will upload the code to stm32 via ethernet.
here is my problem , when LWIP_TCP_APP code is only consists of led blinks and etc , it works just fine , but when i include ethernet and tcp functions in it , when the code reachs to MX_LWIP_Process() line mcu just stops and does nothing. when i debug the code reaches to this line :
netif_add(&gnetif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, ðernetif_init, ðernet_input);
and then just stops , it stuck there.
i think the netif_add tries to reach to memory adress above 0x8020000 so it stucks, but i have no idea how to solve it.
can you guys please share your ideas?
thanx you very much.
2024-03-13 10:38 PM
C'mon guys , there must be someone know something about this topic
2024-03-14 12:22 AM
You don't de-init anything, maybe that's the problem.
I'll have to build an ethernet bootloader for H7 soon, I'm not there yet, but I remember having seen that before jumping between app or bootloader, each and every peripheral must be de-initialized cleanly. And initialized anew if used.
2024-03-14 1:05 AM
i did try that but does not work , i will try it again