2013-05-16 4:51 AM
I would like to program my stm32 discovery board via st-link, to do this i am trying to power my board externally by using 5V pin. However, when i powered the board, ld1 com turns red, but it blinks. In this case, the program loaded in board runs, but i am not able to connect to it via st link; it gives an error that 'no target connected'. Do you have an idea about the problem here?
#which-discovery-board?2016-03-11 4:12 AM
Hey, I'm just trying to gauge if the issue is catastrophic or aesthetic. If it falls into the subset of ''this is annoying'', then the sufficiently annoyed party will attempt to address it.
Believe me, I've dealt with customers who have issues with blinking LED, and especially ones which are RED, steady or blinking. The use case for a guy with a single box on his desk is a bit different from the guy with huge arrays of equipment in racks, with a sea of GREEN LEDs, and the RED ones need to indicate failure.