2015-03-06 12:19 PM
Hello, I really need help. I use CoIDE to made my firmwares, but sometimes I've a error when I try to program or debug my own board using ST-Link from any dev. board from ST.
I'm using SWD conection, and sometimes it is ok, but sometimes I've got this message:''Error: Connect failed, check config and cable connection''Or''Error: Flash driver function execute timeout Erase: [ 0%]''I've reinstaled the driver and re-checked the conection. My this can be an error from my board?I've a 10k resistor from reset to 3V and another 10k resistor from BOOT0 to GND, and my BOOT1 is conected to GNDI've trying to use ST-Link Utility and I've got the error again #stm32-error-debug2015-03-06 12:40 PM
Since it happens in the ST-Link utility, it must be some sort of USB hardware, USB power, or USB driver issue. Assuming the ST-Link itself isn't faulty.
You'll need to use the process of elimination to troubleshoot. try the ST-Link pod on a different computer, try a different ST-link, etc.2015-03-23 11:30 AM
2015-03-23 1:56 PM
The VCAP pins should be at 1.25V, sure you have the part correctly orientated, or have some voltage coming from somewhere else?