2011-09-06 1:10 PM
What is the sample rate of variables in STM Studio ? In one of the application notes I found 5msec, but I'm not sure if it is correct. 5msec is too slow. Is that possible to increase/decrease the rate in the STM studio ? I didn't find this option.Thanks #stm-studio #discovery #stm32f4 #e2014-01-29 1:37 AM
I am using STM32F4 Discovery. I would like to know if there is an example showing using SoftTrace together with STM Studio. Currently STM Studio offers example for KEIL and STM32f10x
And what transfer speed/sample rate could be expected using that option of dumptrace? Now sample rate is around 100 samples/s. What kind of transfer rates could be expected with other debugger interface besides SWD?Best regards, Evgen