2016-08-30 12:22 AM
I am trying to integrate STemWin_Library_V1.1.2 with my code in Keil uvision4(My controller is STM32F10VCT6 and display controller is SSD1963).But while compiling and linking shows an error .\Obj\l1651_lcd.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol GUI_Init (referred from main.o). Is there any solution for this?
2016-08-30 1:59 AM
I think the Undefined symbol error means that your application does not include source, libraries or object which including the function. You should review the configuration of your project, and make sure that your project contains all the required library source files.Regards2016-08-30 9:16 PM
Thank you for your reply and there is no such source files which including the function.I have added all library files shared in
STemWin_Library_V1.1.2 to my project.But still that error remains.What should I do? May I need to purchase any other library files from STMicroelectronics. I am sorry actually I don't have much knowledge in this(Beginner).Can you help me?
2016-08-31 2:34 AM
Hi sruthi,
I recommend you that you open a ready example and compare the workspace there (files, included paths..) as ''STemwin_SampleDemo'' from STM32CubeF4 at this path: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.12.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\STemWin\STemWin_SampleDemo for GUI_init() Check the following path if it is included: ..\..\..\..\..\..\Middlewares\ST\STemWin\inc When including your paths, give attention to the position of each file regarding the project folder. -Hannibal-2016-09-07 5:08 AM
2016-09-07 5:12 AM
Actually I was working with keil 4(IDE) earlier, now upgraded to keil 5, the code is successfully compiling now.And flash also successfully done.But LCD is not responding.Should I make any changes in GUIDRV_FlexColor.h?? As I said my lcd controller is SSD1963 and the communication is through FSMC. I think the problem is with LCD controller initialization. Can you help me?
2016-09-07 3:13 PM
Did you set up correctly initialize ssd1963 controller?You should define GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66720 to use ssd1963 controller.Look at this it maybe helpful for you.Regards