2018-02-05 10:35 PM
Hi can someone please point me to the relevant datasheet that describes the state of the STM32H7 GPIO pins during the following conditions:
1) During power up
2) Just after reset (when the Power On Reset is released)
My understanding is this:
During power up -
High Impedance2) After
Power On Reset is released -
Analog InputIn application mode, of course the state of the GPIO will be set according to user configuration.
Cant seem to find this information in the STM32H7 data sheets
Many thanks.
2018-02-06 12:25 AM
I don't see a reason why would GPIOs have different mode during and after reset (assuming power-on reset, and except when entering bootloader or exiting from some of the low power modes). However, there *is* a discrepancy in the RM: while the narrative in 11.3.1 General-purpose I/O (GPIO) says:
During and just after reset, the alternate functions are not active and most of the I/O ports
are configured in input floating mode.whereas - contrary to 'F7 - the GPIO chapter indicates that most of the pins go to Analog mode in reset:
I know it's unlikely to happen, but I'd 1ove to heare ST's take on this.
2018-02-06 7:46 PM
Thanks for the feedback JW.
From reading through the data sheets and in particular Section 11 from the RM0433 Reference Manual for the STM32H7 I have determined the following:
During and just after reset the GPIO's are in the following state:
Pins PA15, PA14, PA13,
PB4 and PB3
on Ports A and B are set toJTAG-DP (Debug Port)
PA15 = JTDI (Input, internal pull-up enabled)
PA14 = JTCK-SWCLK (Input, internal pull-down enabled)
PA13 = JTMS-SWDIO (Input, internal pull-up enabled)
PB4 = NJTRST (Input,
internal pull-up enabled
)PB3 = JTDO/TRACESWO (Output, n
o pull-up, pull-down
)The contents of the control registers are set to
the following configuration:
GPIO_MODER = Alternate function mode
GPIO_OTYPER = Output push-pull
GPIO_OSPEEDR = PA15, PA14 and PB4 = Low speed, PA13 and PB3 = Very high speed
GPIO_PUPDR = PA15, PA13 and PB4 = Pull-up, PA14 = Pull-down, PB3 =
No pull-up, pull-down
GPIO_IDR = Not Applicable
GPIO_ODR = Not Applicable
GPIO_BSRR = Not Applicable
GPIO_LCKR = Port configuration not locked
GPIO_AFRL = Alternate Function 0 selected
Alternate Function 0 selected
The remaining pins on Ports A to K are set to
Analog m
defined by the following configuration:GPIO_MODER = Analog mode
GPIO_OTYPER = Output push-pull
GPIO_OSPEEDR = Low speed
GPIO_PUPDR = No pull-up, pull-down
GPIO_IDR = Not Applicable
GPIO_ODR = Not Applicable
GPIO_BSRR = Not Applicable
GPIO_LCKR = Port configuration not locked
GPIO_AFRL = Alternate Function 0 selected
Alternate Function 0 selected (note Port K 8..15 not supported)
Pin NameFunction (after reset)I/O State (after reset)
PA15JTDIInput, internal pull-up enabled
PA14JTCK-SWCLKInput, internal pull-down enabled
PA13JTMS-SWDIOInput, internal pull-up enabled
PB4NJTRSTInput, internal pull-up enabled
PB3JTDO/TRACESWOOutput, no pull-up, pull-down
All othersAnalog modeInput, no pull-up, pull-down