2018-03-01 4:35 PM
I'm using 2 different ST-LinkV2s to put firmware on a ST32F429ZIT6 processor. I'm using the SWD interface. One of the ST-Links works and the other does not. The one that does not will not even connect to the device. I took both apart to look at the ST-Link boards. They are different. The one that works is sparsely populated while the other has more components on it. The one that works belongs to someone else and I must return it soon. What changed and why am I unable to get a SWD connection with the newer ST-Link?
I've perused the web and this forum and found many 'solutions' and tried all of them - none worked.
I've attached a picture of the 2 St-Links.
Both boards are labelled ST-Link V2.0
MB 936 rev B
The one that works has not MFG code and the one that doesn't work has MFG Code 1142.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
2018-03-01 6:35 PM
Both look poorly made - they look hand soldered. The one on the right had gone through some heavy repair.
A clone would have worked better.
2018-03-01 6:42 PM
The one on the left is a fake.
You probably have a problem with connectivity with the one on the right because you aren't powering the buffers on it via the VTarget pins (1 or 2)
2018-03-02 12:29 PM
Clive One -
Thanks for your response. The fake ST-Link came from one of our vendors and they instucted me to specifically NOT connect pin 1 (which worked for them). I'm glad I took them apart and even happier that you knew the solution. After hooking up pin 1, my ST-Link connects and programs.
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