2015-03-17 10:40 AM
I have multiple STM32F4 discovery boards connected to the same pc. I use the ST-LINK_CLI utility to burn my user applications and reset them. Is there any way I can have access to the SN field that the ST-LINK_CLI reports in a user space application? I am not referring to the Unique ID that can be exposed via reading from 0x1FFF7A10 etc, I mean the SN reported by ST-LINK_CLI. Thanks2015-03-17 10:49 AM
In the registry?
2015-03-17 11:04 AM
Hi Clive,
I'm sorry I did not quite catch that. Can you explain please.2015-03-17 11:32 AM
To explain what I need a bit more, the output for one of the boards I am using currently is:
Unique Id: 0x3731343833334712002A002x ST-LINK_CLI SN: 0x55FF7306507549543831208x FW: V2J23S0 Is the 24byte string 0x55FF7306507549543831208x somehow derived from UniqueID? I can (correctly) get the UniqueID from the registers, but I need to be able to extract the SN so I can say reset the board.2015-03-17 11:47 AM
If I were looking for USB device specific serial numbers, on windows, I'd start by looking in ''The Registry'' for them.
It's most likely the Unique ID of the ST-LINK's STM32, not the Target's2015-03-17 12:02 PM
Right, thanks for the tip, however I can't seem to find anything relevant in the registry.
Yes I have managed to track down a number of STM32 related keys, however it would appear the Serial Number is not kept in the registry, or if it is, it is not in a form I can use to work with. I was kind of hoping the board Serial Number could somehow be exposed to the app running on the board, so that the user could have access to it as a variable.2015-04-16 7:15 AM
Hi Pete_T,
There is no relation between SN and the Unique ID. you can connect to one of them, using the ST-LINK_CLI like follow -c swd ID=3 -Rst ( in case you have 4 STM32 connected to your PC or more ).Best Regards,