2022-03-13 9:17 PM
I am trying to communicate with a wifi module with stm32f769's spi interface. My data packet is 64 bytes, but the spi only provides 16 clock cycles, Hence the datapacket sent is invalid. Can anyone tell me what could be the possible solution for this.
2022-03-13 9:57 PM
Start from a working spi example from the most similar nucleo board. You need to time slice the writing on spi DR register to give time to send the data serially. If you write all 64 bytes manually in one shot, there will be data loss. Without details, so will be the answers.
2022-03-14 6:25 AM
Probably a bug in your code. The solution would be to fix the bug. Maybe show the code you're using, we aren't psychic.