2020-12-28 6:23 AM
I'm working with stm32H743zi (Nucleo-144) ,
I have a device that transmitting data via SPI to my stm32H7, the problem is that the device sending data with a variable length that I have no idea about it and there is no way to receive the length before .. the only thing that I know is the maximum data length that could be received
so I decided to work with the CS porting it to an EXTI (interrupt), and according to that I will turn on/off the dma receiving
I will define a static buffer with the maximum data size , then for every interrupt I will use the two commands:
//TODO: need to memcpy the buffer to another one
//start a new recieving
HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA(&hspi1, mybuff, maximum_size)
the question is, how I could pull the data from the DMA buffer after DMA stop and I need to know the total count of bytes that have been used in the given buffer
I appreciate your suggestions ...
2020-12-29 6:09 AM
> uint32_t total = MAX_BUF_SIZE - __HAL_DMA_GET_COUNTER(hspi1.hdmarx);
As I've said, I don't use Cube, but you are probably not supposed to __HAL_DMA_GET_COUNTER(hspi1.hdmarx); rather, __HAL_DMA_GET_COUNTER(hspi1.hdmarx->Instance)
> i tried also the DMA1_Stream0->NDTR , it always return 0 !
Maybe you call some Cube component which clears it.
Are you sure you are using DMA1_Stream0?
Try to read out NDTR just after you enabled the DMA, before receiving any data.
Cube is simply not intended for anything out of "usual"; and what's "usual" is given by Cube's authors. They deem "usual" to transfer a known number of data only.
2020-12-30 1:36 AM
i found something in UART : https://www.programmersought.com/article/6663824121/
any ideas how i can convert this to SPI ?