2011-06-01 05:45 AM
I encountered problems when trying to send SPI data by means of DMA. It seems that DMA transfer never starts. The sequence of configurations commands is as follow: 1) Enable SPI and DMA clocks RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA, ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SPI1, ENABLE); 2) Init of DMA DMA_DeInit(cfg->txDMAChannel); tmpreg |= DMA_PeripheralDataSize_Byte | DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte | DMA_Mode_Normal | DMA_Priority_VeryHigh | DMA_MemoryInc_Disable | DMA_M2M_Disable| DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST; cfg->txDMAChannel->CCR = tmpreg; 3) SPI initialization SPI_DeInit(cfg->SPIx); cfg->SPIx->CR1 = 0x002F; //BR == 5; MSTR, CPOL, CPHA == 1 cfg->SPIx->CR2 = 0x03; //SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN; 4) Enable SPI cfg->SPIx->CR1 |= 0x40; 6) Enable DMA irq in NVIC 7) Transaction (transmission) is started as follows DMA_Cmd( cfg->txDMAChannel, DISABLE); cfg->txDMAChannel->CMAR = (u32)tr->txBuf; //tx buffer ptr cfg->txDMAChannel->CPAR = (u32)&cfg->SPIx->DR; //SPI DR reg addr cfg->txDMAChannel->CNDTR = (u32)tr->len; //4 tmp = txDMA->CCR & 0xFF70; /* Clear flags: MINC, TEIE, HTEIE, TCIE, EN */ tmp |= DMA_MemoryInc_Enable | DMA_IT_TE | DMA_IT_TC; cfg->txDMAChannel->CCR = tmp; DMA_Cmd(txDMA, ENABLE); Now I suppose the transaction should get started and after the last send byte, DMA irq should be called out. But nothing like this happens. When I try to send data without DMA, SPI irq is always called out when TxE is set. The contents of the relevant registers right after the transaction starts is as follows DMA_CCR6 == 0x0000309B DMA_CNDTR == 4 DMA_CPAR ==0x4001300C DMA_CMAR ==0x200000D4 SPI1_CR1 == 0x6F //BR=5;MSTR, CPOL, CPHA ==1 SPI1_CR2 == 2 // TXDMAEN SPI1_SR == 2 //TxE I'll be grateful for any advice or hint. Thank you2011-06-27 01:06 AM
I had wrong DMA channel but that was not clear from the snippet. SPI1 uses DMA2 and DMA3 channels.