2014-06-03 12:24 AM
This is my first time I am working on STM, previously I successfully work on PIC32.I want really basic information about SPI communication in STM32F103ZE.my questions are,1. How to set the SPI mode, which register ? (STM datasheets are so different than PIC, i didn't find clear info) 2. What library file? can you please specify any SPI libraries ? Thank you.2014-06-03 1:45 AM
'' 2. What library file? can you please specify any SPI libraries ?'' ST provide a whole library for all the peripherals in the processor, they call it the Standard Peripheral Libray. It can be download here : http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/PF257890 If it is like the library for the STM32F4 parts, the library file contains examples for all the peripherals (including the SPI). In addition, all the software samples for this device are here : http://www.st.com/stonline/stappl/productcatalog/app?page=partNumberSearchPage&levelid=LN1565&parentid=1743&resourcetype=SW2014-06-03 5:18 PM
Thank you for reply..
Can you tell me how to initialize the SPI ?Thank you2014-06-03 6:17 PM