2018-04-20 6:23 AM
Hi there,
I have developed an SPI Bootloader through which I download a file from External Flash to Internal Flash.
For testing the proper functioning of Bootloader I have developed a test application to Blink LED and send string on UART. This application is working quite perfectly.
But when I download my actual application of much larger size than Test application then it is not working.
I have debugged the code and found that bootloader is going on Jump function but application is not working.
So to test if my application is correctly downloaded or not i used DFU bootloader (built earlier) to make jump on application. It was jumping correctly and application working perfectly.
Please Tell me if you have any Idea about what might be the problem.
I have already disabled all the interrupts and nothing is left hanging.
#andrew-neil #clive1 #clive-one #steve #joerg-wagner2018-04-23 12:51 AM
Please Someone Look into my problem as i am unable to Debug this application after making jump from Bootloader.
However when Jump_to_application instruction is executed at that time my
PC = 0x8002A9E &
SP = 0x20020000.
So everything seems to be correct.Please Help me t overcome the issue.
2018-04-23 6:02 AM
Hey Everyone,
I have solved the problem of Code Jumping on the application but the application is not running.
I am writing here the solution in case anyone need it.
So my code was jumping to the application but the application was not running successfully as it was getting stuck somewhere in HAL_Init function. So I resolved the issue by calling HAL_Deinit function just before making the jump.