2013-10-10 6:03 AM
are specifications and command descriptions for the LCD Display on the F429 Disco available? It is a SF-TC240T-9370-T type display. Google only brings up information for the SF-TC240T-9229A2-T that doesn't have RGB mode. And even for that display there is no command/register specification. #sf-tc240t-9370-t #f429-disco #lc2013-10-10 6:53 AM
Perhaps you want to be looking for the controller specification for registers?
2013-10-10 8:18 AM
2013-10-10 1:09 PM
Thanx Clive :)
I just get problem with the link to the pdf. Saef send me this one. I attach it so if some other get problem with the link it's available here ;) Cheers. ________________ Attachments : SF-TC240T-9370A-T_____IC-ILI9341.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzdL&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bQg%2FDDT8LcVb9XP7_S_k_.qdBDLWWT5PkKrlQDvpxhw61L4&asPdf=false2016-06-15 8:40 AM
Anyone know if the touch is capacitive or resistive?
Thanks!!!2016-06-15 1:49 PM
Anyone know if the touch is capacitive or resistive?
Signs point to Resistivehttps://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/ST%20Microelectronics%20PDFS/STMPE811.pdf