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Software doesn't work when switching to a other revision of board

Associate II

I'm using a STM32F469 Discovery board, i was using a board with B-01 revision, my software works just fine, now i want to use the same board but with B-03 revision but for some reason the same software doesn't work on this board.

Note: B-01 rev flashes through J-Link

B-03 rev flashes through ST-Link

ST Employee


You should give more information about what part of your software fails when you're debugging.

It's not very clear what causes the software to fail, it randomly goes to hardfault from different FreeRTOS tasks. I'd like to know if there is some evidence of differences between revisions, I struggle to find some information about this


Check the chip errata sheet document, might give some additional clues.

Are you using SDRAM?

You're likely going to need to run the Hard Faults to ground, and identify any commonality​.

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@Mike_ST​ perhaps start by identifying the BOM level differences to narrow down what would case SW to fail on one board vs the other.

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Good idea, but for some reason, I don't have access to the BOMs before B04.

And as far as I know, the official release of this board is B07.

So supporting B01 & B03 is difficult.

Yes, i keep the frame buffer in SDRAM, I've tried to find if it is related to SDRAM, but it seems ok

I've found the BOM for B07 as well, but there is no information about other revs at all