2015-12-29 12:40 PM
Hi, I'm using the STM32F427ZGT6 uC. During VBAT operation mode, I'm not certain how much current the battery would need to source. Can anyone give a idea? Thanks, Brian
#vbat #sleep2015-12-29 12:55 PM
Sleep suggests other parts of the circuit/system have power connected. What else is the battery connected too?
Watch what's connected to PC13,14,15 and one of the PH pins in the backup power domain.2015-12-29 2:37 PM
The battery is only connected to pin 6 on the STM32. The idea was if power was lost, data would be quickly saved.
2015-12-29 4:17 PM
I'm not sure of the mechanics there, but Standby is the mode you are looking for. The Data Sheet does go over the VBAT specifics, and options with/without the LSE/RTC and Backup RAM.
PI8 was the other pin I was thinking about in the backup domain.