2014-01-07 09:05 PM
This site is very unreliable for me, I get error pages asking if I want to debug Sharepoint issues. I've created a Google+ community for Cortex M Developers which might work a bit more smoothly. (or not)
#housekeeping #worst-forum-software-ever2014-01-08 11:56 AM
I think it's unreliable for everybody, and unusable on tablets. Some quality Microsoft solution, nobody apparently looked/thought how good forums work, just look at the length of the bloody URL some time! The site here has a couple of issues, mainly related to if it thinks you're logged on, timed-out, etc. If you reply to a post, and just see ''New Item'' without the topic, your post is going to DIE for sure. If you see this, copy-n-paste your post into NotePad or something. With FireFox you can usually go back and recover the post, other browsers, perhaps not.2014-01-08 12:48 PM
''This site is very unreliable for me''
Don't worry - you're not alone! The place to report issues and/or give feedback is: But note that ST can be rather touchy on this subject...2014-01-08 12:49 PM
''This site is very unreliable for me''
Don't worry - you're not alone! The place to report issues and/or give feedback is: But note that ST can be rather touchy on this subject...2014-01-08 12:54 PM
Ha! Ha! - thus proving the point!
My first attempt aparently failed, giving this nonsense:''The 'CommunitiesAllForums' Web Part appears to be causing a problem. Control 'ctl00_m_g_8b5454ed_6d49_4840_a630_3dab64dd077e_MySTComCommunitiesForums' of type 'SPTreeView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.
Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission, you can use this page to temporarily close Web Parts or remove personal settings. For more information, contact your site administrator.
Troubleshoot issues with Windows SharePoint Services.''Google Chrome did allow me to go back to my post and try to re-submit - and then we see that it had actually worked the first time, and there's another double-post.To paraphrase the tag-line for a certain brand of lager, possibly the worst forum software in the world...
2014-01-08 01:05 PM
That was probably me reading your first post!!
Also noticed recently that it does a reload of the sign-on screen, losing the auto-filled password. Not sure if it relates to new FireFox updates, or just an annoying new feature.2014-01-09 09:16 AM
''This site is very unreliable for me''
Would you prefer ''Kitchen sales Liverpool'' as every second topic or Captcha on each and every post instead? Believe me - this one is not that bad. Is there any official STM forums tutorial / sticky on how to navigate in here, how to avoid pitfalls, double posts, disappearing posts etc? (Clive - thanks for sharing your experiences)2014-01-09 09:25 AM
It's tolerable, but annoying. The Word-in-a-box thing seriously limits is usability on a large number of devices and browsers.
My biggest aggravation is when it just eats posts. I have no admin/moderation rights here, otherwise I'd Lock and Sticky some things on the top of the page. The lunatics run the asylum here, welcome...2014-01-09 11:31 AM
''Would you prefer 'Kitchen sales Liverpool' as every second topic or Captcha on each and every post instead?''
I guess you must be thinking of amateur sites run on freebie platforms? I must admit, I don't use any of those. But this is (supposed to be) a professionally-run vendor forum - so maybe I should say ''possibly the worst vendor forum in the world''.2014-01-10 09:44 AM
No, actually I am talking about
forum. This week it is time forhttp://www.microchip.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=760675
. And of course the captcha funhttp://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=137572