2017-04-16 4:03 AM
Hi, I'm trying to configure sim900 serial communication with stm32f401re but it seems that it doesn't receive any serial command, source code i'm using:
(tried with differents port combinations and withhttp://m2msupport.net/m2msupport/module-tester/
but it doesn't work and probably I'm forgetting something). I attach a photo of my stm32 connected with sim900Thanks for the support
PS: the status of the sim900 blink with 1sec interval and I know that it should be 1 blink each 3 seconds, what am I missing?#stm32f4 #sim9002017-04-17 4:56 AM
Do you have a schematic for the modem board? What are the power requirements? Have you mixed rx and tx pins? What pins and USART are you using?
2017-04-18 12:22 PM
No, I don't have any schematic for the modem board. I bought it here:
and in the packet there was only the modem board and sim adapters. Power requirements are 2Amp, 3.2V to 4.8V,https://developer.mbed.org/media/uploads/bcostm/nucleo64_revc_f401re_mbed_pinout_v3_arduino.png
I'm using D2 and D8 pins in stm32 and pins 7 and 8 in the modem board as indicated here:
, you can see pins connection above, attached to the topic. I noticed that there's no 2G network for my operator so I understood the wrong led blink but why AT serial commands doesn't work? (waiting for new sim operator)2017-04-18 3:21 PM
It shouldn't need a SIM or service for the AT commands to work. Things like ATE1 and ATI4 should work
If you have TX/RX wired correctly, then make sure the modem is actually powered up, use the power button or D9
Check the VDD_EXT
2017-04-19 2:09 PM
The modem is powered up(because netlight blinks). What you mean with check the vdd ext? How can i check if I
have TX/RX wired correctly?(you can see them in the image attached to the topic) I'm trying also with this simple code but I get no serial answer: