2014-12-02 8:49 AM
I have this LCD module I want to get running with the STemWin library. http://www.vpistrategicsourcing.com/datasheets/T043ZT268A_Datasheet.pdf I found that STemWin has display drivers for some chips but the display driver used in this LCD is not one of them (OTA5180A). So I think the only way is to write a display driver, but how do I proceed from here? What files do I need to change in STemWin? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.2014-12-03 3:23 AM
Check out page 13 in this manual:
From the manual:''The configuration is basically divided into two parts: GUI configuration and LCDconfiguration.• The GUI configuration covers the configuration of default colors and fonts and of available memory.
• The LCD configuration is more hardware-dependent and enables the user to define the physical size of the display, the display driver and the color conversion routines to be used.
When a new LCD controller needs to be supported, two essential files must be created, in addition to the already existing OS configuration file: GUIConf_stm32xxx_eval.c and
LCDConf_stm32xxx_eval.c.''2014-12-04 1:11 PM
Thank you Phataas. I know, this is not strictly related to STM32, but do you have an idea as to how I initialize this particular LCD? The datasheet for the LCD module (in my first post) mentions nothing about this. The OTA5180A chip's database mentions something about sending commands via the SPI interface but I don't have the SPI pins from the chip available on the LCD module. I only have 24 RGB pins.
Now as far as I understand LTDC cannot drive in 24-bit mode (is this right?). So do I just connect it like RGB666 (18-bit), and send the register values mentioned in OTA5180A datasheet? Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.