2015-01-11 11:46 AM
I'm having problems with communication through SDIO. In the initialization process, where are only sent commands, everything works, but the function HAL_SD_SendSDStatus is returning SD_START_BIT_ERR.
Informations about the circuit and firmware: -STM32CubeMX v4.5.0 and STM32F4 library v1.3.0 -Clock always 400kHz (to ensure that I will not have problems with the bus speed in the tests) -It uses the internal pull-up of the microcontroller -Several sd cards were tested, all of them >=4GB and >=class 4, with FAT32 After debugging, I found that the problem happens in the code snippet (below) of the file stm32f4xx_hal_sd.c within the HAL_SD_SendSDStatus function:/* Configure the SD DPSM (Data Path State Machine) */
; sdio_datainitstructure.DataLength
= 64; sdio_datainitstructure.DataBlockSize
; sdio_datainitstructure.TransferDir
; sdio_datainitstructure.TransferMode
; sdio_datainitstructure.DPSM
; SDIO_DataConfig(hsd->Instance
, &sdio_datainitstructure);/* Send ACMD13 (SD_APP_STAUS) with argument as card's RCA */
= 0; sdio_cmdinitstructure.CmdIndex
; SDIO_SendCommand(hsd->Instance
, &sdio_cmdinitstructure); Before call the SDIO_DataConfig function, the SDIO_STA register is 0, after call this function, the bits RXFIFOE and RXACT goes to 1, what is expected. After call the function SDIO_SendCommand with the command ACMD13, the bits RXFIFOE and RXACT goes to 0 and the bits STBITERR and CMDREND goes to 1. Here is where the problem happens. Could anyone help me with this? thanks, Silas #sdio #wait-for-you--clive1-!-!-! #stm32 #stm32f4 #sd2015-01-12 12:37 PM
I'm developing a project that uses SD card and I am having the same problem described here. Silas, if you solve this problem or somebody here knows how to solve, please, let me know.2024-11-02 7:58 AM
is the question relevant?