2016-09-05 11:13 PM
I want to interface a SD card with stm32f303. Please help me how to interface sd card with microcontroller. Also I want to read the data on my laptop, do I need a file system because windows can read in FAT32 or NTFS. Please help me in creating a file system if needed.RegardsNabeel #stm32 #stm32f3 #sdcard2016-09-06 1:11 AM
You can start with FatFs_uSD example under the firmware package:STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.6.0\Projects\STM32303E_EVAL\Applications\FatFs\FatFs_uSDThis example provides a description on how to use STM32Cube firmware with FatFs in order to develop an application exploiting FatFs features with microSD drive configuration.Have a look to this “Developing Applications on STM32Cube with FatFs� it may be helpful for you, as provides a description of how to use the STM32Cube firmware components with a generic FAT File System (FatFs).Regards2016-09-06 4:23 AM
You ned to interface with SPI or SDIO connectivity. There are numerous examples of these across the STM32 family of boards with schematics.
You'd need a driver for either SPI or SDIO. You'd need a file system implementation like FatFs to sit on top of that and provide you with file access commands.2017-06-24 1:06 PM
i also want to connect sd card to stm32f303 discovery board thorough SPI protocol. Please guide me.