2018-10-18 05:14 AM
Hi Team,
I'm using STM32F030c8 micro controller, my application is to interface SD card with Stm32.
stm32fxx to micro sd card interface:-
I'm using stm32f0 discovery board and example code. I didn't get proper response from SD card(received 255).
if there any limitations to use SD card size? currently we are trying with 4gb and 8gb sd cards
if there is any proper code please let me know
2018-10-18 05:30 AM
The SDHC/SDXC cards use different commands and blocking. The adafruit shield code in the Cube BSP should support old and new cards via SPI.
2018-10-18 06:47 AM
Hi Clive,
If you have any link related to adafruit shield code please share it here.
2018-10-18 08:11 AM
In the CubeF0 package
2019-07-17 11:08 PM
Hello @Community member I've tried porting the stm32_adafruit_sd header files to use with the STM32F051 Discovery board and have failed. I believe it was intricately made for the Nucleo bard(s). I may be wrong.
Could you help or provide the header file for STM32F051DISCOVERY for fatfs+sd+spi type implementation , It would be very helpful
2019-07-18 05:48 AM
It has like 4 or 5 pins, and most of those associate directly with an SPI peripheral.
Reliant on SPI BSP code for the NUCLEO