2016-11-21 2:25 AM
trying to make scanf work on stm32f4-discovery with cubemx software and GCC. I created the syscalls.c function _read using the HAL_UART_Receive_IT() function. This works fine when used with the (unistd) read function, e.g. read(0, Buf, 4); So I assume the _read function is working. But when using scanf(''%d'', &i), or fscanf(0,''%d'',&i), this function never returns. I can see that the _read function is NOT called at all. I don't see how scanf can work without calling _read at some point. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance, Sietse #stm32f4-discovery-scanf-syscalls2016-12-01 2:43 AM
Hi sietse,
Which version of CubeMx are you using ?If you are using an old version, I recommend you to try the last version 4.18.0Keep us informed about your issue.Regards