2018-07-12 6:19 PM
Hello all,
Perhaps, you can shed some light on my issue I'm seeing. I have a board with a STM32F413RG microcontroller, I'm trying to control a DAC for multi outputs but I am having trouble getting the F413 to generate all the TDM signals. I can get a bitclock, LRCK, and TDM (~11.285MHz for BCLK, 256*44.1KHz) but I don't get the MCLK. I'm using SAI_B, not A. I am using DMA Channel 2, stream 4 as a circular buffer. As a stopgap, I have jumped the BCLK signal to the MCLK pin on the DAC but I'd rather have the dedicated signal from the microcontroller.
Attached are the STM32CubeMX screenshots for the clock configuration and SAI/DMA configurations.
Any help would be great! I'm not sure where to dig further here.
#sai #mclk #tdm #stm32f413