2023-03-30 6:37 PM
I'm looking for information that will tell me the safe clock speeds for a voltage range. For example from 1.8v to 2.5v what is the highest clock speed I can run safely. usually there is a figure in the datasheet, but I can't find it. I'm using a stm32M4
2023-03-30 11:33 PM
There is no STM32M4, presumably you mean an STM32 with Cortex-M4 core?
But regardless of the core, every STM32 is specified to operate at the maximum frequency over the entire temperature range and the entire supply voltage range.
The only special feature is that the Cortex-M7-based STM32H7s are so powerful that there are restrictions to be observed under certain conditions so that the function is guaranteed to remain intact.
Does that answer your question?