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recommendation on OS/IDE

Associate II

Hi all - I'm beginning a project that will utilize the STM32L496ZGT6. It's been several years since I've worked in the STM world, so my knowledge of available software is quite dated.

I'd like to hear any feedback on the following:

  1. I want to use an OS in this project. Is there a FreeRTOS build available for this device?
  2. Has anyone gotten Linux running on these yet? I'd need a fairly full comms stack, as I have to support TCP/GSM/GPS.
  3. Does anyone have a recommendation on an IDE? Of primary interest to me is a decent debugger. I was happy with IAR in the past, but I see there are many alternatives today. I'd like to hear people's opinions on this.

I realize these are really vague questions, but I want to make good decisions on these matters, so I welcome any input. Thanks...


For Linux you really want a different class of processor/board, say a BeagleBone, or RPi

There is ucLinux from EmCraft that runs on a couple of STM32 platforms.

IDE's are often driven by personal preferences or company edict, I prefer Keil, but will use IAR or GNU/GCC based tools as necessary, all much the same. The editors are usually mediocre, I have my own preferences for editors, merge and static analysis tools.

Keil has TCP/IP stacks, I'd lean more to LwIP or Micrium.

Do GPS here, use FatFs, and happy enough doing AT commands to cellular modems.

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Associate II

Thank you, Clive. I will take a closer look at MDK-ARM today. Do you typically use an OS for your STMicro apps, or are you more likely to be on bare metal?

I come from the bare-metal wing of the party, where I mange things in interrupts, and round-robin processing, where I leave a function if there's nothing to do, and I don't block.

That said I have a background of writing code for Windows in a multi-thread, multi-processor context, I'm not a linear coder.

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