2024-05-09 09:02 PM
started using STM32H573 recently, having issues with Flash Edata when reading data from EData area, which crashed at HardFault_Handler() with STM32H573I-DK. But it is running fine with NUCLEO-H563ZI for the same job.
The example project “FLASH_EDATA_EraseProgram” has no issue of running on NUCLED-H563ZI and reading data from Edata area with Pointer to the address. However, a testing project with STM32H573, which was created by referring to the example project, runs well on "MX_FLASH_Init()", then "HAL_FLASHEx_Erase()", then "HAL_FLASH_Program()", but fails when reading/accessing Flash Edata area. Why?
Any difference in reading/addressing Flash EData area for H563 and H573?
Can someone explain it?