2011-04-28 3:47 AM
Read a Image on the LCD
2011-05-17 5:33 AM
Cross -posted
http://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/216867 Storage_OpenReadFile(''STFILES'', ''STLOGO.BMP'', (uint32_t)&Wavebuffer, &bmplen); Check also that you are setting up the volume information properly first, or that the OpenDir stuff is even appropriate or used by OpenReadFile. If that doesn't work, try adding some debugging telemetry/instrumentation, or just use a debugger and get a clue about where the real problem is.2011-05-17 5:33 AM
It doesn't work too, if I change the Directory. I tested anything, but I cant find a solution...
Anyone has a example programm to see a image on the lcd (stm3210c-eval)?2011-05-17 5:33 AM
''but I cant find a solution''
Before you can find a solution, you need to identify what the problem is! What have you actually done to look for the problem? Have you used a debugger to step through the code? Have you tried adding diagnostic output so that you can follow what the code is doing?
2011-05-17 5:33 AM
Let's bisect the problem a little. Is the problem with it loading the BMP, or with displaying it?
For instance, if you look at the buffer space you supposedly loaded from the SD card, can you see the data memory? Does the loading process generate any errors? How do you react to the errors? Are you initializing the file system structure properly? Can you load a text file for instance?2011-05-17 5:33 AM
''Does the loading process generate any errors?''
Apparently it does: