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STM32H573: ETH SWRESET fails, ETH_DMAMR_SWR stays set, timeout


I want to initialize the STM32H573 ETH module using the STM32CubeMX code generator (see ioc file attached). It should run in MII mode using an external transceiver.

I kept the configuration unchanged, however it always jumps to ErrorHandler, because HAL_ETH_Init returns HAL_ERROR on timeout of ETH_DMAMR_SWR at the following routine:

  SET_BIT(heth->Instance->DMAMR, ETH_DMAMR_SWR);

  /* Get tick */
  tickstart = HAL_GetTick();

  /* Wait for software reset */
  while (READ_BIT(heth->Instance->DMAMR, ETH_DMAMR_SWR) > 0U)
    if (((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > ETH_SWRESET_TIMEOUT))
      /* Set Error Code */
      heth->ErrorCode = HAL_ETH_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
      /* Set State as Error */
      heth->gState = HAL_ETH_STATE_ERROR;
      /* Return Error */
      return HAL_ERROR;

From what I've read on this forum, the ETH somehow needs an external clock input from the transceiver. However, ETH_REF_CLK is only defined in RMII mode, but I want MII mode with RX and TX clocks. Does it still need permanently running clock? ETH_RX_CLK is currently served from the transceiver with 2.5 MHz (in 10 Mbps mode), the ETH module itself is clocked 100 MHz from PLL1Q:


I even tried rising the timeout threshold, but even 50 s is failing. Any ideas on how to get the initialization through?