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"Break at address "0xa05f0000" with no debug information available, or outside of program code while debugging codes" problem

Associate II

Hi Guys,

I got an error while debugging codes to my STM32F439 MCU with ST LINK V2. I could not solve it but if I debug it for STM32F429 Nucleo Board I can debug. I can not understand. I wait for helps. Thanks.


Not much info to go off of here. Use standard debugging.

Is it in a hard fault? Examine SCB registers to determine why.

Step through your program to see where it occurs and find where/why it occurs.

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Need to debug it earlier, uncheck "run to main()" type options and walk the code in from the Reset_Handler.

For custom board check a) that BOOT0 is pulled low, b) that the VCAP pin(s) are at 1.20-1.25V, and the capacitors are properly placed.

The NUCLEO board will have an 8 MHz HSE clock source, custom boards will have whatever you built them with

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Associate II

@Community member​ Thank you so much for responding.

I solved problem by changing resistor which is connected to BOOT0 thanks.

i am getting same issue ,how i can solve this ,in stm32745zi

P​erhaps hardware issue? Details and specifics not shared.

Perhaps look at suggestions in this thread and solution. Does it apply to your situation? Did you look at any of suggestions for cause in your case?​

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I was getting the same error using the STM32H747XI_discovery board with the sample LED light tutorial. Setting up the debug configuration exactly as they did in the videos. The one item that I did change to get it to work was to not download the symbols for the CM4 inside the CM7 debug configuration. Then allow the CM4 debug configuration to download the symbols when launching its debug configuration. Hope that might help someone.