2014-04-05 11:24 PM
Hi everyone,
I am a newbie to arm microcontroller and STM32 product. recently I want to buy a STM32F4-Discovery Board to play with arm chip. That board uses STM32F429I arm chip, and my toolchain is IAR EWARM 6.5.3, in the project option->general, I can not find this specific chip in the list, so my question is: 1. Is that ok I use such version IAR tool to compile and make STM32F429I arm chip project? 2. If yes to question1, what do I need to select for that ''target'' tab in project otpion->general. What I am currently do is tick ''Core'' as ''Cortex-M4F'' rather than choose a specific device, and I can compile and make the demo project successfully, but I have no idea the hex file generated under this configuration is proper or not. Thanks for all your time. Kind Regards Mark2014-04-07 03:13 PM
Hi guys,
I read some documents in ST website and noticed those example are supported by IAR EWARM v6.6 or later.I am new to arm programming, I can not fully understand the code in examples, anyone can recommend useful textbook for arm programming?CheersMark2014-04-07 05:54 PM
is good,http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=William+Hohl&sts=t&tn=arm+assembly
isn't bad but rather ARM7/9 centric, and very expensive in the hard cover, International versions from India would save a lot of money, and are arguably identical. Hohl seems to be the prefer text book at US Colleges which is why it's stupidly expensive. For embedded firmware I like and Jack Ganssel.