2022-06-05 7:30 AM
Hello to everybody,
i create a project for STM32H745 to use Qspi.
At the moment i use the qspi with only 1 line of data (like normal spi), the idea was to extend then in dual.
I configure the peripheral like showed in the image. (config_Qspi)
Then i begin to write the code to execute a simple transmit in Indirect Write Mode:
0 byte instruction
1byte of address
1byte of data
No Altern.byte
With address different of 0x00:
Using the HAL driver provided by ST i see that inside function of transmit the transmission fail because the flag of TC (trasmission complete stay low) for all the time. I increase the time but nothing.
With address equal of 0x00:
What is strange is that with address equal of 0x00, the transmission goes well and i see with Logic analizer the two bytes address+data.
I don't know what could be?
if is something of wrong in config of the address or something else.
Thanks for your answer.
bye Enal
2022-06-05 1:39 PM
Why 0 byte instruction, 1 byte address? Are you trying to use the QSPI to drive a "simple" SPI device?
AFAIK this cannot work.
2022-06-06 2:03 PM
Hi Pavel,
like explain in the post at the begin i would like to use qspi with 1 byte addres and 1 byte of data, with 1 line, like in the simple SPI, then use it with 2 line. (Dual)
There is the possibility to do this, in the manual about qspi part i not read something of different. Instruction field could be 0 byte.(skipped)
What is strange is that with address equal at 0x00 (address sended), the flag TC(transmission complete) not goes in stuck.