2025-01-26 11:10 AM - edited 2025-01-26 11:13 AM
Hello guys,
I am currently creating a drone using a BluePill STM32F103 and IDECube. I need to read PWM signals from a receiver (FS-IA10B) that provides me a 50Hz signal with a duty cycle between 5% and 10% (I am using a flysky transmiter)
I don't have enough timers on the BluePill (only x4) to read PWM with the function 'Combined Channels' and, at the same time, generate PWM using the function 'PWM Generation.' So, I came up with the idea to use EXTI pins to measure the high state of my 4x pins. The results I got are really precise, but the problem I am currently facing is that I randomly get some 'spikes' on some of the 4x pins.
For information, I am using Timer1 with a prescaler of (72 - 1) and counting to 65535 in order to have a resolution of 1us. I manage the buffer overflow of Timer1 as well in my callback.
The spikes looks like that (Thrust channel in blue):
The spikes are really high at the beginning, and they start to slow down and eventually disappear for some time, before coming back again.
My interrupt code looks like that:
void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
if(GPIO_Pin == PWM_Killswitch_Pin){ // Killswitch PWM measure
uint32_t Current_Ticks = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim1);
uint32_t PWM_Time = 0;
static uint32_t Previous_Killswitch_Ticks = 0;
if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(PWM_Killswitch_GPIO_Port, PWM_Killswitch_Pin)){
Previous_Killswitch_Ticks = Current_Ticks;
if(Current_Ticks >= Previous_Killswitch_Ticks){
PWM_Time = Current_Ticks - Previous_Killswitch_Ticks;
PWM_Time = 0xFFFF - Previous_Killswitch_Ticks + Current_Ticks + 1;
if(PWM_Time > 1300){
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_13_GPIO_Port, LED_13_Pin);
else if(GPIO_Pin == PWM_Roll_Pin){
uint32_t Current_Ticks = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim1);
static uint32_t Previous_Roll_Ticks = 0;
if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(PWM_Roll_GPIO_Port, PWM_Roll_Pin)){
Previous_Roll_Ticks = Current_Ticks;
if(Current_Ticks >= Previous_Roll_Ticks){
PWM_Roll = Current_Ticks - Previous_Roll_Ticks;
PWM_Roll = 0xFFFF - Previous_Roll_Ticks + Current_Ticks + 1;
else if(GPIO_Pin == PWM_Pitch_Pin){
uint32_t Current_Ticks = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim1);
static uint32_t Previous_Pitch_Ticks = 0;
if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(PWM_Pitch_GPIO_Port, PWM_Pitch_Pin)){
Previous_Pitch_Ticks = Current_Ticks;
if(Current_Ticks >= Previous_Pitch_Ticks){
PWM_Pitch = Current_Ticks - Previous_Pitch_Ticks;
PWM_Pitch = 0xFFFF - Previous_Pitch_Ticks + Current_Ticks + 1;
else if(GPIO_Pin == PWM_Thrust_Pin){
uint32_t Current_Ticks = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim1);
static uint32_t Previous_Thrust_Ticks = 0;
if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(PWM_Thrust_GPIO_Port, PWM_Thrust_Pin)){
Previous_Thrust_Ticks = Current_Ticks;
if(Current_Ticks >= Previous_Thrust_Ticks){
PWM_Thrust = Current_Ticks - Previous_Thrust_Ticks;
PWM_Thrust = 0xFFFF - Previous_Thrust_Ticks + Current_Ticks + 1;
else if(GPIO_Pin == PWM_Yaw_Pin){
uint32_t Current_Ticks = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim1);
static uint32_t Previous_Yaw_Ticks = 0;
if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(PWM_Yaw_GPIO_Port, PWM_Yaw_Pin)){
Previous_Yaw_Ticks = Current_Ticks;
if(Current_Ticks >= Previous_Yaw_Ticks){
PWM_Yaw = Current_Ticks - Previous_Yaw_Ticks;
PWM_Yaw = 0xFFFF - Previous_Yaw_Ticks + Current_Ticks + 1;
I believe that some other higher-priority interrupt occurs at the same time, causing my timer to keep running during the other interrupt. However, even after setting my callback to the highest priority and all other interrupts to a lower priority (just for the test), I still encounter the same problem.
Do you guys have any ideas where the problem might be?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Sorry for my English; it is not my native language.
2025-01-26 10:04 PM
Using input capture won't be susceptible to cpu load based delays like manual counting and capturing will be.
Your graph showed some pulses. Are you calling those spikes? Or did i look at the wrong graph?
2025-01-27 4:04 AM
Thank you for your answer, Carl_G.
Yes, I believe "pulses" is a better word than "spikes". On the graph, you can count approximately ~12-13 pulses on the blue curve.
My first intuition was that the line below in my callbacks:
was still counting a little bit more (causing the pulse) during the activation of another unknown callback with a higher priority than my own PWM counting callback. The pulses happens approximately every 20 seconds. There is sometime only one pulse, sometime 6, sometime more...
I haven't resolved the problem yet; I just came up with a temporary solution by averaging 30 values to "smooth" the curve. However, this adds calculation time to the CPU, so it's not a good and final solution.
2025-01-27 8:25 PM
Can you increase the priority of the interrupt? Or better decrease the priority of other interrupts until you find out which one is triggering? If you can't use a proper input capture peripheral then your only alternative is to ensure this has the highest priority if you don't want the measurement disturbed.
2025-01-28 4:30 PM
I increased the priority of my 2 EXTI channels and decreased the others, and I still have the same problem.
2025-01-28 7:49 PM
Seems then maybe they are interfering with each other. What if edges happen at the same time? Will the function be called multiple times or will one of the triggers be lost? What's the calling function look like?
One thing you can do is put the timer value capture at the beginning of the function instead of within each if statement. Otherwise pwm_Yaw_Pin will always have a larger value. Change from if-else to a switch statement. Also a trick I learned;
Do this
PWM_Yaw = Current_Ticks - Previous_Yaw_Ticks;
And forget the overflow protection you are doing. You don't need it. Works out the same.