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Programming STM32 only with CMSIS.

Associate III


I would like to start using my discovery board STM32F0308 without HAL library.

Where should I start?

Now I use CubeMX to generate Makefile but I would like to write this on my own, linker script and startup too.

Shall I ask another question about programming only with using CMSIS?

I'm tired of reading this tones of lines without understanding, I prefer bare-metal programming with registers.

tl dr section;

I want to just use text editor and command line to program and debug STM32s.


Well, MSDOS education is not widespread these days, I reckon... ��

%1..%9 replicate the input parameters given to the.bat file. In this way, I can add additional command-line ad-hoc, by writing them as parameter to the bat file when running it from command line (the first parameter is the .c source file name, without the .c extension)

No magic there, and zero sophistication.


Yeah I check this just now, sorry.

I'm curious how you debug this code?

Do you use this .lss file?

That, too.

I also do staring at the code. And I explain it to the teddy bear.

I spend a lot of paper making various drawings, remarks, diagrams...

Debugging is a multi-facet process, the more tools you have at hand the better. The on-chip debugger makes life a lot, A LOT easier, but relying on it as the ultimate debugging tool is extremely short-sighted.

See my first post above.


Associate III

I did it. Well I wrote few simple functions only with linker script and startup file. Thank you :)

Associate III

Is there a way to close/mark as resolved?