2015-02-27 02:12 AM
Hello everybody,
Im working on a project with a nucleo-F103RB with the IDE EM::Blocks and I have some issues with the Systick Timer. I read some relative post but none of them solve my problem. This is the way i configure the Systick : void TickTimer_configuration(void) { if(SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/1000)) //tick toutes les ms { // error capture GPIO_SetBits(GPIOA,GPIO_Pin_5); while(1); } } I have in another c file, the following function (the header of this filz is include in the main.c file project): void SysTickHandler(void) { Tick++; }. The problem is the next one : when i run my program, the main stop running soon after the SysTick_Config(). I try to debug with other interrupts like EXTI which still work, I also implement an UART to print out the SystemCoreClock value before the SysTick_Config and its at 72MHz. I ll join in annex the main.c file and the IRQ_handler file. Everything works except the Systick. If you need more informations, just ask. I hope u can help me. Sry for my bad english. #systick-stm32f103rb2015-02-27 07:20 AM
Hi, again...
As i expected, the problem is stupid : the name SysTickHandler isnt right.... The correct form was SysTick_Handler I feel so stupid... but thanks anyway :)